Friday, May 27, 2011

Homework on the first day?!

Last night I moved into my new home for the next eight weeks with the Sareen family. Madhu is my host mother and is also my Hindi teacher. Throughout dinner I was quizzed on how to say certain phrases and object names in Hindi. I couldn't believe that my own host mother would give me a pop quiz at my first family dinner! Needless to say I should have reviewed my notes, because I was not nearly prepared. It was such a fun night getting to know the entire family; they really are great people. I am also living with my FSD program director and two other students from Duke which helps ease the transition into an Indian home. I'm sad that I can't spend the entire weekend with the Sareen's, but I am so excited to start my work in Karawara. I should be leaving an about an hour, wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck ;) I think it still works afterwards?... :) That sounds great, Melissa :)!
